By Matt Cochran (Assisted by his lovely wife, Rachel)


Matt Says Farewell...

And so, the grand adventure that was Code Rage has finally come to an end. While I have no plans that are set in stone, if I ever decide to make a Code Rage video game, or any other creative endeavor related to this comic, I'll announce it here as long as the site remains.

When I first started the comic, it was worth it for me just to see the looks on the faces of friends and family as they said, "YOU have a comic strip?" Over the years, the comic was never particularly popular, but an extraordinary experience for me simply as an "artistic" endeavor and a humorous outlet for the events of my own life. My thanks go out to all of you for your mail, your support, and especially your patience as I failed to live up to my update schedule. While I've discovered of late that creativity can't be forced and I cannot continue the comic, I will truly miss the ride. But above anyone else, I have to thank Rachel: both for her inspiration and for the entirety of the experience she's added to my life, only a faint shadow of which came through in these comics.

To all of you: Thank you once again, and God bless.

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Past Storylines:
The Gnome and the Owl The Hobgoblin
Grandpa Owl The Company Picnic
Guess Hoo's Coming For Dinner Sherlock Gnomes and the Mystery of the Missing Danish

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